Project newsletter Issue #4

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We are thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of the LMI-EUniv project, co-financed by Erasmus+, after a dynamic two-year period. This collaborative effort involved five partners from across Europe, who have crafted innovative online training materials and developed an LMI Hub and chatbot dedicated to enhancing the use of Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) in universities.

Through the LMI-EUniv initiative, we’ve created a vital resource—a comprehensive map of essential LMI sources across 19 EU countries. This has been coupled with a detailed study on how universities currently utilize LMI in their planning and delivery processes, offering insights into potential enhancements. Our commitment to elevating the effectiveness of LMI within European universities has also led to the development of an online training course specifically for university staff. This course aims to empower them with the tools and knowledge to effectively leverage LMI.

The project reached several key milestones, including the piloting of the LMI-EUniv Training Course at the Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy, and culminated in a final project meeting and international conference at the West University of Timisoara, Romania. Here, we shared our developments and tools with a broad audience of university staff, showcasing the practical applications of our findings and resources.

All the materials and outcomes of the LMI-EUniv project, including the innovative LMI Hub, can now be accessed online, offering a centralized and user-friendly repository of information. This platform not only facilitates the exploration of LMI sources but also enhances strategic planning and informed policy-making within the academic community.

For a more detailed exploration of our results and to utilize the interactive tools we have developed, please visit our project’s results page. Discover how these resources can specifically meet your needs by filtering information by country and type through our user-friendly LMI Hub.