About the Project

The LMI-EUniv project is a 26-months ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership, that brings together 5 partners from five EU countries to understand how European Universities are using labour market information and labour market intelligence in the planning and delivery of their provision and how can this be improved.

LMI is critical for understanding the new challenges on the labour market:

– Having access to a comprehensive and detailed view of the labour market on a local, regional, national and European level is vital for Universities to match education/skills supply to local and regional labour market demand.

– It helps to fit curriculum content to a rapidly evolving world of work (employer-input, fore-sighting…) and the provision of new types of course (higher VET, 2-year degrees…),

– It’s an essential tool to evidence the impact and outcomes for policymakers (such as employability, graduate tracking, internships and placement provision).


The ultimate aim of the project is to analyse and understand the use of labour market intelligence in European universities, identifying main LMI sources at national level and creating a collaborative network that promotes teamwork in order to develop a set of tools that will help to improve the use of LMI in European universities.

The specific objectives are:

– Encourage a greater and more nuanced use of LMI within European Universities with a more evidence-based provision leading to benefits for learners, the Universities themselves and the economy and societies that benefit from the future efforts of the learners/graduates.

– Show policymakers and key stakeholders the benefits from more closely aligned, better evidenced provision, to positively influence university provision.

– Widen the appreciation of how LMI can be used both within Universities and by those looking to understand the importance and potential impacts and benefits from Universities.


O1: consists of large desk research to identify essential LMI sources at national level that can be used by Universities for their activity. The result includes data (Evidence) Report and Executive Summary for Policy Audience.

O2: scan how Universities are using LMI. The study is completed by an online survey, the first of its kind focused on LMI usage in universities across Europe. The results include Country Practices Report, online dashboard with infographics and an Executive Summary for Policy Audience.

O3: innovative learning and teaching practices. The results consist of a Training Course on how Universities can use LMI, a Guide to help HEI to use LMI in planning activity and an LMI HUB.